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Nechells Outreach Centre, 264 Long Acre, Nechells, B7 5JP


The purpose and vision of the Men’s ministry here at NOC is for Men to help men be men. We realise that a Christ-like man is a servant of God’s church, his family, and his community, there we will quip our men in becoming Christ-like in their character in the areas of discipleship, evangelism, family, relationship, and community service. 

Our men’s fellowship will aim to create an environment that brings together men of all ages for the purpose of encouragement, teaching, forming and building friendships, based on the principle that together we strengthen and improve each other ‘One man sharpens another.’

We will aim to build men’s faith, relationships, and ministry, through resources we obtain, events we produce and ongoing leadership development. It is said that if we only call men together to “do” there will be no glue to hold them together when the planned event is over. Events attract men, relationships make them stick.

We will create an atmosphere of support and encouragement for men to share openly their views and opinions.  We learn to address any major life temptations and/or crises according to our needs.

We will aim to provide strategic men¹s ministry opportunities that will grow men in our church and share Christ¹s love in tangible ways in our community.


  • Develop boys into men (1 Cor 13:11 When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things) therefore we will give spiritual aid and guidance to our Youth , Teens, and New Members.
  • Provide opportunities for spiritual growth for men. This can be achieved through regular small-group Bible study or large-group study with small-group discussion; weekly bible classes
  • Recreational activities to be exciting and offer Christian value formation
  • Give men the opportunity to make use of their natural skills and gifts to impact those they meet
  • To serve our local community to the best of our abilities. This can be done through men making it a priority to connect with other men at least two times a month for the purpose of community, accountability, confession, and prayer.
  • Lead their families in worship
  • Explore the Word of God in study. This can be achieved through consistently studying and applying God’s Word independent of church.
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